

Bad Kids is a show about the education system in Romania, about the forms of violence that transform a seemingly ordinary punishment into a collective threat, about the power relations children-teachers-parents, about the influence of the group in making personal decisions, about the danger of school abandonment.

Bad Kids is the story of an eleven-year-old girl who collects rubber bands and dreams of giraffes. Around her, all the children write beautifully and are good. Around her, the real heroes make history. Her personal history is never discussed at school.

Bad Kids is based on a real case, documented by the show’s team, in a school.

Bad Kids is a text confronting the systems that is supposed to help us grow up, that teaches us what we should stand for and what we should be. Who transforms us into leaders before letting us be children. That trains us to fit into the system. The aim of this show is to create a framework for debate and reflection, which will bring together those affected by the major problems facing the education system in Romania : school violence, lack of role models and benchmarks, family tensions, group influence, children’s ability to make decisions and act informed, students’ critical thinking. In the post-show debates, the audience and the team of artists discuss possible solutions to prevent school violence, the need to create an authentic dialogue between all the decision-makers involved and the importance of transforming the school into a living community that stimulates the force creator of the child.

The Team

One-Woman-Show with Katia Pascariu
Directed by Alexandru Mihăescu
Text: Mihaela Michailov
Set Design: Adrian Cristea
Video/vjing: Cinty Ionescu
Music: Eduard Jak Neumann
Stage movement: Farid Fairuz
Photography: Adi Tudose

A production of The MONDAY Theatre in Green Hours (2011)