

Traces Of Destruction On Mars  is a performative installation in which several media actively work towards the live interpretation of poetry which is being re-written while it is interpreted and commented upon by the creators of the performance, by means of the performer, the video projection and the sound, adding each time a new layer of meaning.

Actress standing in front of projection

Being specific to postmodernism, the re-writing and repositioning of content in relation to context is more than a re-mediation of words or sensations and contributes to the text with additional meaning. 

Traces of destruction on Mars  visit us like a future memory. On a background of meta-textuality, the author delivers his poetic theses in the presence of the performer, thus creating a spectacle in itself. The performance bases itself either on metaphors or the interpretation thereof related to the cycle of life by means of the three media employed.

The Team

Traces Of Destruction On Mars  is a piece based on poems by Bogdan Ghiu, dramatized, directed and video designed by Cinty Ionescu, featuring actress Nicoleta Lefter on a sound design by Miron Ghiu.

The piece was produced by the Odeon Theatre in Bucharest in 2013.

Photos by Adi Tudose

URME DE DISCTRUGERE PE MARTE – spectacol integral